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Telefon Defteri Programı @projelerim:programlama:cplusplus
24 tane bulundu, Son değiştirilme:
Number(""); } ReadfromFile(Record); //Record is updated from the file for(i=0;i<100;i++) ... reen do { //enters this region if exit is 1 char MenuNumber; MenuNumber=cin.get(); /... ch; cin>>ch; if(ch=='Y'||ch=='y') //if y is taken from user it saves the Record SavetoF... break; }//switch }while(exit); //if exit is zero it breaks the do while statement return
Banka Sıra Simülasyonu Yapan Program @projelerim:programlama:cplusplus
23 tane bulundu, Son değiştirilme:
h> template <class T> class Node //a node class is defined for the link list { private: Node<T> *next; //next node is private public : T data; //data is public Node (const T& item, Node <T>* ptrnext = NULL); ... y allocation if(newNode==NULL) //if it is not successful an error is output. { cout<<"all
Reverse Polish Notation Calculator @projelerim:programlama:cplusplus
19 tane bulundu, Son değiştirilme:
nst int MaxStackSize=256; class Stack{ //a Stack is defined private: int StackList[MaxStackSize]; ... tackFull(void); int CheckType(void);//CheckType is used to check the item is operator or operand }; Stack::Stack(void):top(-1){} // constructor int ... //for error detection cout<<"Stack is Empty"; // exit(1); } temp=StackList[top];
Kitap Stok Programı @projelerim:programlama:cplusplus
18 tane bulundu, Son değiştirilme:
m.h> #include<conio.h> class Book//a book record is stored in a Book class { public: int callno; ... LL) current->data.PrintBook(); //if the record is found print it to the screen else cout<<"The E... n>>tmpcallno; tmpitem.callno=tmpcallno; //update is done using callnumber TreeNode<T> *parent; cout... ult: break; } cout<<endl<<"The Entry is Updated"<<endl; current->data.PrintBook(); //P
BAM Network uygulaması @projelerim:programlama:java
3 tane bulundu, Son değiştirilme:
pattern be sure that "Show Pattern Pair" checkbox is not checked * Select a pair from the list on th... r of the program * By default,the input pattern is the the pattern on the left side, but it can be c... e found by clicking "RECALL" button (Finding output pattern ability is not added to the program,yet)
  • anasayfa.txt
  • Son değiştirilme: 2019/05/08 21:25
  • (Dışarıdan düzenle)